Webinar In A Box Event Campaign


Previously if an organization wanted to host multiple webinars over a day or week, for example, they would have to create a new campaign for every single instance of each webinar. That would mean creating a new landing page for each, repeating the email and promotional steps for each campaign, and filling out the details of the webinars over and over again. But wait! What about the cloning feature? Doesn’t that eliminate typing the information repeatedly? Maybe some details could be cloned across campaigns but things like dates and times would be different. As you can see, it can quickly become a confusing mess. This campaign will save you days of work!


Corporate Marketer

5 out of 5
Categories: Campaign Templates, Landing Page Templates Tags: General B2B, Marketing Agency
Campaign TypeEvent Campaign
Includes A Funnel ViewYes


So why not just create a recurring webinar or multiple timeslot webinar campaigns where the details are added once and users can just select the instance of the webinar or multiple webinars they want to attend? It couldn’t be done before! But now with ActiveDEMAND’s updated Events Campaigns and GoToWebinar, setting up recurring webinars is so much simpler…dare I say easy? It’s created as a “template-in-a-box” so that you can use it as it is – or you can edit it to make the content more relevant for you.

ActiveDEMAND has many great features to reduce the amount of work required to promote recurring webinars. It takes very little effort to promote, engage, and execute recurring webinars.

Gotowebinar Integration requires the Corporate Marketer Package

To properly promote a webinar of any type, we have created a special campaign type called the ‘Event Campaign‘ that combines the power of a calendar campaign and allows you do use multiple drip workflows. This special campaign type is only available to our Corporate Marketer subscriptions.

A few of the elements that we have created for this webinar type are:

  • A custom form element for allowing people to choose the correct webinar date and time that fits their needs
  • The ability to group promotional elements by specific recurring webinar timeslots
  • Fantastic landing pages with the content of the webinars abstracted from the assets (campaign variables/tokens)
  • Reminder workflows and surveys that automatically adapt to the specific instance of the recurring webinar
  • and a lot more!

The Recurring Webinar In A Box Template

The Recurring Webinar Template is a great starting point for setting up your own recurring webinars. It includes many pre-built elements that will save you a lot of time. The template includes:

1: Landing pages:

  • Registration landing page
  • Survey page
  • Video asset page
  • Confirmation page

2: Reminder workflow

3: Promotion emails

4: Campaign variables

Recurring webinar basics

A webinar event can be broken down into 3 elements

  1. Promotion
  2. Registration
  3. Post-registration processing 


When promoting a recurring webinar it is assumed the focus audience is ‘everyone that has not yet registered for the webinar’. It is a focused effort to try to get the target audience to go to the landing page and register for one (or more) offered timeslots for your webinar. In the Event Campaign promotion can be done by dragging and dropping 

  1. Social posts
  2. Emails

Onto the calendar.


For the recurring webinar type, you can either target an email on a specific timeslot and take advantage of the special recurring webinar dynamic fields:

Associated Webinar (Name) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.NAME%
Associated Webinar (Description) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.DESCRIPTION%
Associated Webinar (Start Date-Time) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.START_TIME%


Or choose not to promote a specific timeslot and promote the event. Regardless of the promotion strategy, you can direct people to a landing page that allows the user to select the specific event time that works for them. 

All promotional steps will appear on the ‘Schedule’ tab of the campaign


If you choose to promote individual timeslots, each has the webinar slot abstracted and thus if you clone a step, you can change the targeted webinar timeslot slot and leverage the webinar timeslot dynamic terms: in your promotion. 

Associated Webinar (Name) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.NAME%
Associated Webinar (Description) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.DESCRIPTION%
Associated Webinar (Start Date-Time) %WORKFLOW.WEBINAR.START_TIME%


Regardless of the promotion strategy, you can use ActiveDEMAND landing pages within the campaign to capture registrations. ActiveDEMAND provides a form element that exposes the associated webinar timeslots automatically.


If using the multi-select version of this form element, the user is automatically registered in ALL of the webinar timeslots they chose if you add the autoresponder uses the ‘Register for Webinar’ workflow action. The single option version only allows the registrant to pick one webinar.


In the Autoresponder

In the autoresponder, you can reference the webinar chosen on the signup form using these dynamic fields:


Post Registration Follow-up

Now that you have the promotion and registration taken care of, you can now focus on post-registration follow up. The typical post-registration follow-up tasks are 

  • Pre webinar registrant reminders 
  • Post webinar surveys
  • Post webinar recording promotion

Regardless of the timeslot chosen, typically post-registration webinar processing is always the same. It is executed relative to the chosen webinar execution time. Thus ActiveDEMAND abstracts this followup processing to one or more ‘triggered workflows’. If you use the ‘registered for webinar’ starting step, the registrant will enter the workflow for each webinar they register for. The workflow carries the context of the webinar through the workflow thus you can completely abstract the follow up to a single workflow and still access the details of the webinar. 


Registered for Webinar (Start Date-Time) %CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_START_DATE%
Registered for Webinar (Join URL) %CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_JOIN_URL%
Registered for Webinar (Description) %CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_DESCRIPTION%
Registered for Webinar (Name) %CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_NAME%

The workflow registrant enters the workflow for every selected timeslot. If you configure the reminders/survey requests etc using the webinar query elements, you will be able to abstract all reminder processing to a single workflow.


The important queries for accessing the webinar data for the prospect 

  • Webinar registrants: webinar start time
  • Webinar registrants: attended?


Both of which must be taken in the ‘current campaign step’ context.

Webinar Campaign Setup

GoToWebinar Integration Setup

Note: The only campaign type in ActiveDEMAND that supports GotoWebinar integration is the Event Campaign type. If you have not done so already, please reach out to support and request the ‘Recurring Webinar in a Box‘ campaign to be cloned into your account.

1. Go to Administration->Account SettingsThird Party Applications. Click the Add Application Button. Select “GoToWebinar” from the drop-down list.

2. Authenticate your account by clicking the blue icon in the “Authenticated?” column and then signing in to GoToWebinar.


In GoToWebinar:

1.Schedule a new Webinar 

2.Disable the reminder emails in GoToWebinar to prevent your leads from receiving double emails


3. Edit the Emails section and uncheck the box:


In ActiveDEMAND:

1. Create/Open your Event campaign and go to the Assets tab. Click the ‘ADD’ button on the ‘Webinar’ block:


2. Choose all of your recurring Webinar from the dropdown and click ‘Add Webinars’


Your registration landing pages will be in the ‘Assets’ tab. The Promotion will be handled on the calendar/schedule tab, and the follow-up will be handled in the workflows tab.


To finish, review the tokenized content under the Variables tab:


Learn More About Using Campaign Variables

When someone fills out the registration form for the campaign, a workflow action inside ActiveDEMAND will register the lead for your GoToWebinar and record their data inside the ActiveDEMAND platform.

The statistics for your webinar will appear under the Webinar tab:


Included Assets





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